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October 25, 2002

What they're saying
By all means call everyone else in the world a communist riddled by class envy, but at least tell us why CO2 isn’t important, or what you’re going to do when Florida disappears under water, or when fossil fuels run out. All the Bush apologists seem to think this is an anti-US issue. Wrong. It’s an anti-moron, anti-selfishness issue from educated, well-travelled people with knowledge of the world at large, who quite like trees, clean water and the coastlines we’ve got at the moment. Not people who will submerge several dozen south sea islands to help their dad’s mate.


With US already contributing to 25 per cent of the CO2 being dumped into the global blanket of air, Bush’s plan is to make this number even higher. He very well could be the US president who brings about the end of the world civilisation as we presently know it.

ALAN HANSCOM, Massachusetts, USA

What Bush and Cheney are unleashing on the US public at large today is an insult to every US citizen, and an arrogant thumbing of the nose to the rest of the world that must breathe our polluted air and bask in our warming globe.


Everyone knows that Bush is paying off his political debts. Never mind the environment. Never mind the inflated energy costs. Never mind the resulting bankruptcies. That’s the price that we have to pay for his career.

MICHAEL, California, USA
as viewed on October 25, 2002

We are all environmental criminals. But there must be a new category for the United States. I would like to see an international justice system that would recognise this crime.



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