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1. Opening of the session and Election of the President of the Conference at its eighth session;

2. Organizational matters:

(a) Status of ratification of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol: The rules for entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol require 55 Parties to the Convention to ratify (or approve, accept, or accede to) the Protocol, including Annex I Parties accounting for 55% of that group’s carbon dioxide emissions in 1990. As of Sept 27, 2002, 95 countries had ratified who account for 37.1% of emissions.
(b) Adoption of the rules of procedure;
(c) Adoption of the agenda;
(d) Election of officers other than the President;
(e) Admission of organizations as observers;
(f) Organization of work, including the sessions of the subsidiary bodies;
(g) Date and venue of the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties;
(h) Calendar of meetings of Convention bodies, 2003–2007;
(i) Adoption of the report on credentials.

3. Reports of the subsidiary bodies and decisions and conclusions arising therefrom:
(a) Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice;
(b) Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation.

4. Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention:
(a) Financial mechanism:

  • Report of the Global Environment Facility;
  • Funding under the Convention;
  • Review of the financial mechanism;
  • Additional guidance to an operating entity of the financial mechanism.

(b) National communications:

  • National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention;
  • Greenhouse gas inventories from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention;
  • National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention.

(c) Capacity-building;
(d) Development and transfer of technologies;
(e) Implementation of Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention;
(f) Activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase.

5. Follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

6. Second review of the adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Convention.3

7. Request from a group of countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Albania and the Republic of Moldova regarding their status under the Convention.

8. Preparations for the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the parties to the Kyoto Protocol:

(a) Arrangements for the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting
of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol;
(b) Implementation of Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Kyoto Protocol;4
(c) Proposal by Canada for a decision on modalities for the accounting of assigned amounts
under Article 7, paragraph 4, of the Kyoto Protocol in relation to cleaner energy exports;5
(d) Other matters referred to the Conference of the Parties by the subsidiary bodies.

9. Report of the executive board of the clean development mechanism.

10. Administrative and financial matters:
(a) Audited financial statements for the biennium 2000–2001;
(b) Income and budget performance in the biennium 2002–2003;
(c) Procedure for the appointment of an Executive Secretary.6

11. High-level segment attended by ministers and senior officials.

12. Other matters.

13. Conclusion of the session:
(a) Adoption of the report of the Conference of the Parties on its eighth session;
(b) Closure of the session.